Heliotrope’s innovative coating technology enhances solar panel performance by transforming the sunlight, delivering an impressive power boost of up to 15 percent. Heliotrope’s coating is cost-effective and can be easily integrated into current manufacturing, significantly reducing solar costs for both manufacturers and end-users. 





Minh Tran

Minh Tran's passion for solar technologies seems predestined, as her name means "sunlight" in Vietnamese. As the co-founder and CTO of Heliotrope Photonics, she is developing a cost-effective, plug-and-play solar coating that boosts panel performance. The foundation of Heliotrope's technology stems from Tran's Ph.D. and postdoctoral research at New York University, where she created an innovative material that transforms sunlight to make silicon panels more efficient.




Critical Need
Solar energy currently provides only four percent of the total electricity supply in the United States, falling short of any decarbonization objective. The main barrier to solar adoption is cost, which is closely tied to solar panels’ performance. A more efficient panel generates more power, leading to significant cost savings in production and installation. However, the efficiency of panels has plateaued, with only marginal growth expected in the next decade. Solar manufacturers are seeking new technologies to reduce costs. Still, the room for improvement is becoming increasingly limited, with any upgrade only leading to small power gains on the scale of one percent. 

Technology Vision
Heliotrope's innovative coating transforms sunlight to improve silicon panel efficiency, delivering an impressive power boost of up to 15 percent. Traditional panels struggle to utilize ultraviolet light, performing better with near-infrared. Heliotrope's coating delivers a significant power gain by converting wasted ultraviolet to usable infrared, potentially pushing the industry a decade ahead. Designed for seamless integration into existing silicon solar manufacturing, the coating requires only one extra production step, enabling cost-effective panel upgrades without altering underlying cells. Highly scalable, Heliotrope's technology offers a straightforward path to enhanced efficiency and accelerated solar adoption.

Potential for Impact
Heliotrope’s technology can accelerate the progress toward decarbonization goals in the urgent global effort to combat climate change. Heliotrope's power-boost technology substantially reduces solar production costs for manufacturers, enhancing their competitiveness and making solar energy more cost-effective. The increased green power output also translates into significant electricity cost reductions for consumers. These dual impacts contribute to the broader adoption of solar energy, driving the transition away from conventional fossil fuel sources.


Heliotrope Photonics